In the hopes of revolutionizing the way athletes, teams and organizations are funded, we've added a new possibility for MAKEACHAMP users to add corporate or company logos to their fan-pages and campaigns. This functionality bridges the gap between sponsorship and crowdfunding in a way that everyone wins.
Here is the logic
Crowdfunding provides athletes and teams with unprecedented online exposure. This type of exposure can now be leveraged to get sponsors. If a corporate sponsor decides to put their logo on the campaign not only will they benefit from the exposure but they will also improve their brand-image by being seen as a more socially-responsible corporation that supports amateur sports. In exchange for this exposure, the athlete can ask the sponsor to give rewards to the contributors or they can even match contributions. In both cases, the athlete will end up raising more funds and the supporter will also benefit. Such a win-win-win situation is rarely found in the sponsorship industry, especially with amateur athletes.
Make it happen
As an athlete, it will be up to you to facilitate this relationship by introducing a corporate sponsor to the opportunity of advertising on your campaign. However, MAKEACHAMP is here to help. If you have any questions regarding this, please don't hesitate to contact us. Below is a short guide to help you make this happen.
1. Finding a sponsor
For a detailed guide on how to find a sponsor, you can read this blog on how to find a sponsor. You could use the email marketing in your MAKEACHAMP profile to get in touch with companies.
2. Reach out to them - show them a return on investment
In your communication with the sponsor, it is very important to outline how the company would benefit from sponsoring your campaign.
Your campaign is going to get a lot of exposure, especially from the beginning because your friends and fans are going to be sharing your campaign across all social media platforms. This is why it is important to try to get a sponsor BEFORE your campaign is launched.
You should point out to the company that in exchange for their sponsorship, you'll put a clickable logo on the campaign which will give them the exposure, branding and even help them increase their corporate image.
Types of crowdfunding campaign sponsorships :
If a company is interested in sponsoring your campaign, you can offer them any of the following types of sponsorships:
a. Match contributions up to a certain amount
B. Give rewards to supporters
C. Give you a direct contribution
D. Or any combination of the above.
You will have to get a verbal or written confirmation from the sponsor(s).
3. Putting their logo on your campaign
Once you got the green light from the sponsor, you can go to your your MAKEACHAMP fan page and add a picture of their logo and the link to their website or product. You can also add a description or a testimonial for their product or service.
4. Example
One of the best examples that we found of an athlete who leveraged a sponsor for their crowdfunding campaign is Elli Terwiel. Her campaign reached 180% of its target raising a total of 18,000$. She paired up with Sun Peak Resort to raise funds for her 2014 Olympic bid in Sochi. Sun Peak Resort offered every person that contributed 25$ a chance to be the first skiers or riders of the season. You can learn more here.
If you have any questions regarding sponsoring your campaign don't hesitate to get in touch with us at .
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