
Как найти спортивного спонсора

Многих из наших MAKEACHAMP спортсменов после проведения краудфандинговой кампании получают предложения о спортивном спонсорстве. Что неудивительно, так как яркая кампания, в которую вложено много сил, добавляет атлету извесности и онлайн популярности, следовательно, повышает их ценность в качестве «рекламного носителя». Однако эти спорсмены не привыкли общаться с корпоративными спонсорами, и оказываются не готовы к заключению сделок. Эта статья написана в помощь спортсменам. В ней мы перечислим основные факты о спонсорстве, которые вы должны знать, а именно:  1) Уровни спортивного спонсорства; 2) Что значит быть спонсируемым компанией;  3) Как найти спортивного спонсора; 4) Спонсорские возможности. Мы будем и дальше писать об этом...

Getting Sponsored on My Road to Rio - My Story

It is now (January) less than 7 months until the 2016Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games. If you are not getting excited, something is wrong. The reality is that the entire world is getting excited - 2016 is the year of Olympics. Besides that hard work that athletes have to do in their sport to qualify, many of them need to make sure they have the funding in order to complete all the qualifiers. I wrote recently a post urging athletes to not forget about funding for their Olympic journey.  I've had an incredible road to the Olympic Games so far...

Athlete Guide to Social Media & Content Marketing - Part 2

David Ancor is a Canadian Judoka who has spent the last few years managing the content marketing, sponsorship, and social media for MAKEACHAMP. Through this experience, he has acquired extensive knowledge about what a company is looking for in a sponsored athlete, and how to grow a community of followers on social media, which he is currently using to help fund his journey to the 2016 Rio Olympics.  If you haven't read part one of this guide, check it out : it gives an overview of the concepts you need to know to take your athlete marketing, funding and sponsorship...

The Right Mindset To Get Sponsored

The biggest barrier that holds back athletes from marketing themselves and getting sponsors is their mindset. The first thing that athletes ask is ‘what do they need to share online to get sponsored?’ or ‘what do I write in my sponsorship proposal?’.   Before getting to those steps, it’s important to adjust the way you see yourself as an athlete and how you think about the companies you are approaching will determine your success.   There are some critical psychological barriers that athletes need to overcome so that they will able to create the right online marketing to facilitate sponsorship....