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If you are a team looking for a sports team sponsorship, please read this blog post.

NFL Football is one of the most popular organizations in the American sports world. Football sponsorship of any team in the league or of the NFL in general will prove to be quite a lucrative deal for the organization, the teams and for the corporate sponsors. Sponsorships cost millions of dollars and provide internet, television, cable and magazine and franchise labeling exposure. The NFL has its own sponsorship, and the many teams belonging to the NFL organization are also sponsored, as well as individual football players who have excelled at the sport. Teams and players are admired by literally thousands upon thousands of people watching football and cheering for a particular player for his skills and also for particular teams that represent cities, regions or that have significance for entire cities and states.

There are multiple ways the NFL or all its differing teams may be marketed by football sponsors. Clothing and athletic footwear line sponsorships, snack food sponsorship, football equipment sponsorships, and popular drink sponsorships ranging from body boosters to soft drinks, as well as beer sponsorships. These football sponsors, in particular those for the NFL in general, use the NFL logo on the product, there by associating themselves with the NFL and attracting a wider product demographic. A product that might ordinarily not be purchased by an individual for whatever reason, he or she may purchase, if they love the NFL or a particular team, not just the product but NFL or team the logo as well as the product. Some corporate sponsors purchase the name of the stadium their sponsored team considers its home stadium or field for a specific length of time. Therefore, the name of the stadium is the company name that sponsors the team. During commercials for games, during the game itself or for any advertising purposes, the name of the company is repeated throughout as the place where the activity is taking place.

Smaller football league sponsorship may offer promotions on football game programs in the form of part page or full page ads, on calendars in the form of ads for business, on the back of tickets for sale for entrance to the game, on signs, blimps or television commercials or internet exposure. The amount of football sponsorship donation determines what the sponsor will receive in return from the team.

Source: http://findasponsor.com

Crowdfunding for a Football team

Crowdfunding opens the possibility for everyone to sponsor your baseball team - all they need is a credit card and the desire to do so. Your MAKEACHAMP campaign will allow your team and all its players to share the campaign among your circle of supporters. The magical thing about this is that it is easy and hustle free. For example the University of Quebec in Montreal Cheerleading and Basketball teams raised more than 20,000$ within couple of days. Even the Univesity of Laval Men's Volleyball raise more than 12,000$. You can also join this success and raise the funds you need for your team, to get started click here. For more information on how to create a team campaign click here.