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 Mises à jour

Thank you every one who gave us feedback about the MAKEACHAMP platform. We’ve listened to you and we’ve responded by developing new features to help you (the athletes) get closer to your community of supporters and the funds you need. Essentially, with the new features, the athlete will be able to share his or her campaign to all their friends and family directly from the athlete dashboard.

Here is a summary of the new features:

  • New athlete dashboard
  • New options to View/Edit/Delete/Add campaigns
  • New Promote tab:
    • Update
    • Email marketing
    • Widget


New athlete dashboard

The athlete dashboard is inside of the profile of the athlete. We added features such as promotion, performence (coming soon) and contributions so the athlete can know everything related to their campaign simply by logging into their profile. Most importantly, the athlete is now able to share his or her campaign will all their friends and family directly from their Athlete Dashboard. 


New options to View/Edit/Delete/Add campaigns

You can now view your campaign as you are creating it. The new features allows you to view/edit/delete your campaign directly on the campaign page.


Promote & Update:

We've integrated sharing capabilities into your athlete dashboard. Essentially, directly from your dashboard you are able to share your campaign to Facebook, Twitter and various email contacts. Furthermore, these updates will also appear on your campaign as 'Updates'. Updating your campaign is crucial to show your supporters the progress you are making towards your goals. Updates gives life to your campaign and now its easier than ever to update your supporters and all your social media followers. To learn how to do this properly watch this video.


Promote & Email-Marketing:

We noticed that athletes that took the time to send emails to their fans had significantly more contributions to their campaigns. As a result, we've added an entire email marketing system to help you reach your fans more efficiently. This email marketing system is the first of its kind as it allows you to import contacts and keep track of the emails you sent. It is highly recommended to take some time to watch the video tutorial and learn how to use this tool.

Step 1: Import contacts from your email inbox. You can import regular contributors, sponsors and even media/press. 


Step 2: Sending emails involves choosing which contacts you'd like to email and then choosing the template. We've added some suggested templates that you can use and modify to your needs. Make sure that you are personalizing the emails as much as you can and trying to reach an individual three times.


Promote & Widget: 

Some of the athletes wanted to embed their campaign on their website. Now with the widget it is possible! The athlete has to simply enter their dashboard, copy the piece of code and add it to their website. It has never been easier to drive traffic to your campaign from your website.


The MAKEACHAMP team is continuously improving and adding features to the website to better connect the athletes and the fans. We'll be posting updates here on our blog and also on our social media. If you have any feedback or anything you'd like to be added to the website, don't hesitate to contact us. You can simply press the orange "Send us a message!" Button


Stay Golden,