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As part of our mission to connect athletes and supporters, the MAKEACHAMP team has added new features to our website:

  1. Commenting Improvements To help establish a communication channel directly on the campaign, athletes with active campaigns can now reply to comments without logging into Facebook. As soon as someone comments on a campaign update, the athlete will receive an email notification. In order to reply, the athlete must simply log into their profile.
  2. Reward fulfillment and the contributors tab Fulfilling the rewards is essential to establish long lasting friendships with your supporters. To make it easier, we’ve added functionality in the contributor’s tab of your dashboard so that you can keep track of your reward fulfillment!
  3. Campaign Success tips As the first crowdfunding platform for sports, we have a lot knowledge on how to create a successful campaign. And now, it is available for your use. Check out our blog for tips on anything from how to set a funding goal to how to share your campaign offline http://blog.makeachamp.com/