Crowdfunding like a champ : Eseroghene Omene

Like many high-level athletes, 400m runner Eseroghene Omene dedicates her time to training, and spends her spare time looking for ways to advance her career. Yet, there is a fine balance between self-promotion and making sure you stay focused on your athletic goals. Eseroghene recently shared her story on MAKEACHAMP, and soon after, her story became viral. She found herself on radio shows, sports blogs, as well local TV news. A month later, she raised 136% of her goal to go to the Pan American games this August, in Toronto. How did she do it? We set down and discussed...

Escolhendo um idioma para a sua campanha

Líder global em crowdfunding esportivo, o MAKEACHAMP é usado por atletas de todo o mundo para ajudar a financiar suas necessidades esportivas. É por isso que quando você navega no nosso site você deve passar por campanhas escritas em diferentes idiomas, como inglês, francês, português, ou até mesmo nas três línguas ao mesmo tempo! Estamos orgulhosos de reunir tamanha diversidade de atletas, mas entendemos também que este componente global pode dificultar a sua decisão de que idioma utilizar na sua campanha.  Mas não tenha medo, a Equipe MAKEACHAMP está aqui para ajudar você!               ...

The dilemma - try to raise 10,000$ or just 2,000$?

Dear champ, we understand that the amount of funds that you need is 10,000$ and it is probably more. This is the reality that many athletes are facing. MAKEACHAMP's crowdfunding platform is the most efficient way to raise funds that you need, nonetheless, it requires effort and possibly an existing group of supporters. As a result, it is no surprise that it is very difficult with your first fundraising campaign to raise a large amount of funds (10,000$ and beyond). However this does not mean you should necessarily decrease your goal. The benefits of a lower goal, such as 2,000$,...

How To Create A Crowdfunding Campaign for My Team

MAKEACHAMP's platform allows teams to leverage the power of crowdfunding for their fundraising needs such as travel, equipment and others. University of Quebec's Cheerleading team raised 15,000$ in three days for their trip to the USA ( The Univesity of Laval Men's Volleyball raise more than 12,000$ in less than a week ( Montreal’s Cegep André Laurendeau ( was raising 50,000$ for 11 of their sports teams. You can also join this success and raise the funds you need and here we'll outline the necessary steps to create your TEAM CAMPAIGN.